Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Dinosaurs are awesome some of them are the biggest mammels that ever walked this earth making them fierce prdators and helpless prey. If I could have one dinosaur as a pet it would be a Zizhongosaurus (zee-ZONG-guh-AWR-us). These dinosaurs were herbivores from the early jurassics. They were eleven feet tall and 30 feet long they were GIANT lizards.
They would be my favourite pet because of the fact that they are big but not huge so i could ride them to school. They are herbivoreo I would not be eaten and i dont have to buy live animals for food. Since they are only one story tall I could build a shed for him. There are spikes on his back for grips while on the high way.
We also have to consider the name I mean Zizhongosaurus IS SO MUCH COOLER then Tyranasaurus Rex i know and dinosaurs like the T-Rex is famous and very cool but also very much overdone. So I descided to tell you about a cooler and much better dinosaur finally the Zizhongosaurus are DA BOMB your welcome Mitch

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