Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Powers

So if I was a super power I would need flight invisibility and to go through walls so that if I was searching for someone to fight I can fly invisible and undetected and I would never have to turn thank god. Also I can spy on conferences to make sure I'm not getting fired and it's easy to skip lines at a donut shop.

If I was losing a battle vs. a super villain I could turn invisible and fly away easy and if batman turned evil and attacked he would know where to throw his bombs. So battles trips to get donuts and career opportunities are covered there isn't much to say about being a super hero.

So I'll be a villain the opportunities are much greater and I get a cooler costume robbing banks is in the bag literally. Kidnapping mayors, how do you stop an invisible man right. Finally I would take out superman cause Lex Luther sure can't!

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