Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Dinosaurs are awesome some of them are the biggest mammels that ever walked this earth making them fierce prdators and helpless prey. If I could have one dinosaur as a pet it would be a Zizhongosaurus (zee-ZONG-guh-AWR-us). These dinosaurs were herbivores from the early jurassics. They were eleven feet tall and 30 feet long they were GIANT lizards.
They would be my favourite pet because of the fact that they are big but not huge so i could ride them to school. They are herbivoreo I would not be eaten and i dont have to buy live animals for food. Since they are only one story tall I could build a shed for him. There are spikes on his back for grips while on the high way.
We also have to consider the name I mean Zizhongosaurus IS SO MUCH COOLER then Tyranasaurus Rex i know and dinosaurs like the T-Rex is famous and very cool but also very much overdone. So I descided to tell you about a cooler and much better dinosaur finally the Zizhongosaurus are DA BOMB your welcome Mitch

Monday, February 8, 2010

Imaginary me

My imaginary friend would be me because that's how cool I am and i think the world would be a better place if I was in it don't you. I could share all my secrets with him and laugh at all of his secrets we would be the same age and best friends this way i can love myself easier!

He wouldn't complain about my room because his room would be as messy and therefore are houses would be the same we would go to the same school and like the same food. I would know the rules to the exact same games no more explaining rules and he would like to play the to.

When i get bored of myself I'll just imagine him like my brother because we like the same foods and have same messy habits. I would have my own personal brother even though he's in Ottawa. Lucky for me my imaginary friend is my idea and no one can change that.

Super Powers

So if I was a super power I would need flight invisibility and to go through walls so that if I was searching for someone to fight I can fly invisible and undetected and I would never have to turn thank god. Also I can spy on conferences to make sure I'm not getting fired and it's easy to skip lines at a donut shop.

If I was losing a battle vs. a super villain I could turn invisible and fly away easy and if batman turned evil and attacked he would know where to throw his bombs. So battles trips to get donuts and career opportunities are covered there isn't much to say about being a super hero.

So I'll be a villain the opportunities are much greater and I get a cooler costume robbing banks is in the bag literally. Kidnapping mayors, how do you stop an invisible man right. Finally I would take out superman cause Lex Luther sure can't!

If I could redo one moment

Well I wouldn't the past is as it was I don't want to mess things that happen even if they aren't great. We all learn from what happen in the past they make us stronger and better humans in the end. The point is it's not good if i can just redo a moment i mean people always tell you as a kid when we complain about the past they say did you learn from it.

I don't want to redo the good things either I mean sure they were pleasant but that's the thing they were special for instance have you ever complained about not getting the super awesome new flavour of gum don't lie I know that's happened to you they don't let you and therefore that yes is the best thing ever. See special right it makes you feel good about yourself sort of.

So why ruin that special something or the bitter sweet moment in your life they only happened once why go back to relive it or change it it's why your who you are. So as much fun as it would be i prefer to stay right where I am in the present sorry Keegan it's how i feel