Friday, October 2, 2009

Poverty Reflection

Poverty is a crime, it is a disease sweeping out our earth one in which we don’t put enough effort into a cure. Media say it’s a problem that can be fixed but it can be with a small amount of effort from each of us but it’s not that easy sure it used to be but it’s become to much of a problem for us to fix it with a little energy!

What surprised me the most was the fact that so many people live in starvation fear and labour but they're all so happy. To think that thoughs of us who have so much hardly even here about those with nothing its shameful really. The stories surprised me and also scared me a bit why do they have to take this what if our possisions had been reversed would i feel the same way?

The statistics didn't change my views but what they did do was given me information information is power. All in all i think more then a bit of energy is needed but it's worth it


  1. its okay not the best ive read

  2. Next time just don't try as hard to make it perfect but it was still really good

  3. Firelord, this is a good first blog. I do have to wonder if your fingers are afraid of the key two to the right of the letter m. There are very few periods in your post which gives your reader an idea of how your thoughts run through your mind. Interesting to witness but stronger writing if you use that special key more regularly! Thoughtful post.
